Patricia Miller

"When criticizing, criticize the opinion, not its author."

How to safely use online payments and digital wallet abroad
How to safely use online payments and digital wallet abroad

Traveling is a wonderful opportunity to explore new cultures, taste unique cuisine and enjoy unforgettable experiences. However, managing finances abroad can be a real headache if proper precautions are not taken. With the development of online payment and digital wallet technologies, they have become integral tools that simplify travel. However, like any other digital technology, it requires a conscious approach to security. In this article, we will share tips for protecting your financial data and using digital payment instruments safely while traveling.

Tips for using online payments and digital wallet safely abroad

  1. Use only secure networks
    When you make an online payment or use a digital wallet abroad, make sure that you are connected to a secure network. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks to conduct financial transactions, as they can be vulnerable to cyberattacks. Instead, use your carrier's mobile network or a reliable VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection to keep your data safe.

  2. Set up two-factor authentication
    Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security that requires you to verify your identity through two different factors. When using a digital wallet and online payments, set up 2FA to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your account. This can be the use of biometrics, such as a fingerprint or facial recognition, in combination with a password or SMS code.

  3. Keep an eye on transaction notifications
    Make sure that notifications are enabled on your device for all transactions related to your digital wallet or bank account. This will allow you to instantly track all expenses and quickly respond to any suspicious activities. If you notice an unknown or suspicious transaction, contact your bank or payment service provider immediately.

  4. Keep your apps and operating system up to date
    Before you embark on your journey, make sure that all your apps and operating system are updated to the latest versions. Developers are constantly releasing updates that include security patches and new features to help protect your data from potential threats. Regular updates also ensure that your digital wallet is compatible with terminals and payment systems in another country.

  5. Use complex and unique passwords
    Protecting your financial data starts with creating strong passwords. Use complex passwords consisting of a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters, and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. This will make it difficult for attackers to access your data, even if they gain access to one of your accounts.

  6. Keep your device safe
    Always keep your device on which the digital wallet is installed safe. Do not leave it unattended in public places and use passwords or biometrics to lock the screen. If your device is stolen or lost, you can quickly block access to your financial data and minimize possible damage.

  7. Plan for emergency access to funds
    To be on the safe side, plan ahead of time for emergency access to funds if your device is lost or stolen. This could include backup cards, keeping small amounts of cash in a safe place, or allowing a trusted person to temporarily access your bank account.


Safe use of online payments and digital wallet abroad requires a conscious approach and compliance with basic security rules. These digital tools make it much easier to manage your travel finances, making it convenient and fast. However, it's important to remember that the security of your data is up to you. By following the above tips, you can enjoy your travels without worrying about the security of your finances. Digital wallet and online payments can really make your vacation more enjoyable and comfortable if you use them wisely and responsibly.